
Multiphase flow

The steady-state version of FlowlinePro uses the steady-state part of the FlowRegimeEngine to calculate two- or three-phase flow. It determines flows, velocities, pressures, temperatures, volume fractions, flow regimes and all other relevant parameters for single flowlines. The graphical user interface (GUI) also contains an automatic report generator. A simple example of such a report can be found here.

The video shows an example of how it can be used for steady-state flow.

A stable network solver is also available, but not integrated in the GUI, and the network solver is not part of the standard steady-state package. The network solver uses a modified Newton-iteration method to produce results very fast.

At the moment, the transient version is not for sale, it is only used for in-house simulations. Both the steady-state and transient versions can read data directly from PVTsim-generated property tables.

Singlephase flow

A single-phase version of FlowlinePro is also available to those who do not need the multiphase capabilities. The single- and multiphase versions have quite similar user interfaces, except that the transient part of the multiphase version does – as eplained above – not have a graphical user interface.

The single-phase version is particularly well suited to simulate long gas transport pipelines, as described in these two videos. It calculates heat exchange with its environment, something which is crucial to accuracy for gas pipelines. FlowlinePro can simulate single pipelines, networks, buried-pipes, partly buried pipes and many other configurations. The first video below shows a steady-state simulation of Zeepipe, one of the world’s longest subsea export pipelines. The second video demonstrates transient simulations of the same line.
